Saturday, September 21, 2024

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  1. I will set my goals in life and I will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary in order to achieve them. I will work hard and I will never give up even when difficulties arise. I realize that difficulties are opportunities to better myself through perseverance on my way to success.

  2. As a citizen of the earth, I am a steward of all her bounty and will use her resources with care and responsibility. I will remember that her gifts are to be shared by all, including the generations to come.

  3. As a youth of my nation, I will be a productive member of society and work to contribute to the development of my country. I will lead through action and involvement in making my country strong and great.

  4. As a member of my family, and as a student of Southeastern College, I will give gratitude to my parents and teachers, treat everyone with respect and courtesy, do my tasks with discipline and diligence, and conduct myself with courage, dignity and integrity always. I will seek counsel of my elders when the need arises.

  5. I shall always keep myself, my home, my school, and my environment clean and tidy. I will take care of the things entrusted to me and be responsible for their appropriate use, maintenance and safe-keeping.

  6. I will build my character through habits of excellence. I will lead an honest life free from all corruption and adopt a righteous way of life in order that I may contribute to peace and harmony in the world.

  7. I will be a life-long learner and keep the lamp of knowledge lit forever. I will work hard to develop and grow in mind, body and spirit.

  8. I will do my best in all that I do in order that I may be of service to my family, my community, my country, and my God.